Simple Matters – As God Intended

March 19, 2019 - 8:36 PM

Our company, God’s will.

“He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion” (Philippians 1:6 ESV). It was one of the breakthroughs I needed, the first in a series that would ultimately reveal my purpose. Essential oils were not only a godsend for the calming and peaceful effect they had on my body, but for being a catalyst to the change that He had ordained.

It started with the desire to start over, to rethink how I was living my life from the time I woke up to the time I lay my head on my pillow at night. I was caught up in an unhealthy and unsustainable lifestyle that consisted of fast food, toxic beauty and body products, little to no exercise, high stress, harmful relationships with people, and a broken relationship with God. I was sick, suffering, and lost, but it was my time for change.

After several months of absolute despair, a hair client and friend suggested the use of essential oils which she explained had helped her through a lot of the symptoms I was experiencing. She introduced me to an essential oil brand that I knew nothing about, in fact, I hardly knew what essential oils were or what they were used for. Immediately after using them, I felt a change in my mood and for the first time in a while I had hope. The more I studied about oils and experimented with their uses, the stronger I felt the desire to live a more natural and simpler lifestyle. What started with the mention of essential oils has led to a lifestyle change involving my spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being.

It didn’t make sense to use a natural God given product (i.e. essential oil) to improve my health while at the same time exposing my body to synthetic and toxic ingredients used in most of today’s household and body products. Deodorant, surface cleaners, air fresheners, toothpaste, makeup, soaps, etc. all contain varying amount of unnatural chemicals that can be harmful to our bodies. I had been through enough to know that I never wanted anyone else to go through what I had; my research concluded that a buildup of these toxins in our bodies over time could have very well lead to my own illness. A simpler, more natural lifestyle is what I craved, it’s what I realized had become the driving force behind my own healing and I wanted to use that knowledge and experience to help others.

In November of 2016, nearly 10 months after I got sick, God placed it in my heart to help others with the knowledge, experience, and healing I gained through my choice to live a simple life, the way God intended. Simple Matters is a company we created in God’s image with the purpose of providing people with the highest quality, most affordable essential oils and all-natural products available. Essential oils have changed the way I view holistic and alternative medicine and proven to me that God has provided everything we’ll ever need right here on earth (Genesis 1:11 KJV). We pray for His continued guidance, wisdom, and teachings so that through Him, our products will be a blessing to you and your families.

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