The Brain and Behavior Research Foundation

Did you know that 1 in 5 of adults will experience some form of mental illness in any given year [1]?  That 1 in 5 youth aged 13-18 experiences a severe mental disorder at some point during their life [2]? We see the effects of mental illness in some form or another on a daily basis, whether on tv, online, at school, or in our communities, it’s a worldwide issue we face and one that seems to be worsening. During Kristin’s own bout with mental illness, God placed it in her heart to “help as many people as she could so that they didn’t have to go through what she did.” She knew that we had to find the best and most reputable organization, a sort of “pioneer” in the industry that not only we could trust, but that our friends, family, readers, and customers could trust with their money to further advance the goal of better understanding, treating, and ultimately curing mental illness.

During our lengthy search to find and partner with the “best non-profit mental illness organization,” every road lead us to the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation or BBRF [4]. With specific criteria and parameters in hand, we were blown away by not only the scope of brain and behavior disorders that they target (i.e. anxiety, depression, PTSD, OCD, ADHD, schizophrenia, eating disorders, autism, bipolar disorder, BPD or borderline personality disorder, and more), but by the fact that 100% of the donations received are invested in research grants around the world; their operating expenses are covered by separate foundation grants. These donations are spread to more than 4,500 scientists and over 547 institutions around the world with the goal “to better understand the causes and develop new ways to treat brain and behavior disorders and ultimately enable people to live full, happy, and productive lives.” As the #1 Ranked non-governmental funder of mental health research according to Rand Corporation [3], they’ve awarded more than $380 million to fund more than 5,500 grants since 1987.    

As a partner with the BBRF through and our company Simple Matters, LLC. [5], we’ve pledged to donate a percentage of our profits from product sales directly to the foundation so that together we can further the cause to help people without a voice, who are shamed, mistreated, untreated, and often ignored due to this debilitating illness. By choosing to Shop with us or by donating directly to the BBRF through our Donation Drive (Donate Now or by clicking on their logo at the top of the page), you are helping support the search for better treatment and support of this cause. Thank you and God bless!


Citations and Links (#)

  1. Any Mental Illness (AMI) Among Adults. (n.d.). Retrieved October 23, 2015, from
  2. Any Disorder Among Children. (n.d.) Retrieved January 16, 2015, from


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Donate With A Purpose

We share in the vision and purpose of the Brain and Behavior Foundation “to improve the lives of those with mental illness”. You can help with that vision by donating now. Learn more about the BBRF